Yoga for Tweens/Teens Athletes

Yoga provides a sanctuary for tweens and teens to find inner peace amidst the challenges of adolescence

Calling all parents of teen athletes and active tweens/teens! Looking for a supportive community where your young athlete can thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally? Our Tween/Teen Athlete Yoga classes at Boundless Roots Yoga offer the perfect blend of athleticism, mindfulness, and life skills training. Whether your teen is a seasoned athlete or just starting their fitness journey, our classes provide a safe space to build strength, resilience, and inner peace. Join us for movement, sharing, breathing exercises, relaxation, mindfulness practices, and meditation – all designed to support your teen's well-being on and off the field. Plus, we'll provide information on how to continue these practices at home! Ages 10-17.

Purpose. Acceptance. Mindfulness.

Weekly on Sunday’s at 2:00 PM-3:00 PM inside Boundless Roots Yoga Studio.

In a tween/teen athlete yoga class, we tailor the structure to meet the unique needs of adolescents, including those focused on recovery and athletic performance. Here's a glimpse into how such a class might unfold:

  • Welcome and Check-In

  • Centering and Breathwork

  • Dynamic Warm-Up Asanas (Yoga Poses) to support recovery and flexibility

  • Partner or Group Poses to build camaraderie and teamwork

  • Breathwork Techniques for stress relief and focus

  • Mindfulness and Meditation to enhance mental clarity and resilience

  • Relaxation to promote physical and mental recovery

  • Positive Affirmations or Journaling for self-reflection and growth

  • Gentle Cool Down to ease tension and promote restorative rest

  • Closing Circle to foster community and support

  • Optional Homework or Self-Practice Resources to reinforce learning and progress

While the structure may vary based on the instructor's approach and the participants' needs, our goal is to provide a supportive and empowering environment where tween/teen athletes can enhance their physical recovery, build emotional resilience, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.